About Us

JAN JYOTI EDUCATIONAL & CHARITABLE TRUST is registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 # IV-14783/1714 (established in 2008),Govt. of India.

The motto of JJECT is overall development of tribal, marginalized & weaker section of the society with society with special emphasis on women and childern, Established gender equality,Develop and conserve natuaral resources for livelihood improvement, Undertake research Training, consultancy & Advocacy on issues of common concern, Enabling every person of the society to live with dignity, improve the quality of life, Creating general awareness through individual contact, meeting, camps, seminars/workshops, conferences, festivals and traditional cultural programme, Promoting peoples sustainable organisation & developing peoples bargaining power, imparting mass and community based education programme, Improving the living standard of economically poor especially of women through micro enterprising activities, Establishing self-confidence among the people through the mobilisation of local available resources.

Our Mission

To contribute to the over all development of tribal, marginalized & weaker section of the society with special emphasis on women and childern.

Our Vision

Undertake Research, Training, consultancy & Advocacy on issues of common concern, Enabling every person of the society to live with diginity and improving the quality of life.